Project: PalPay


This portfolio documents my contributions to PalPay, a software engineering project under the module, CS2103T Software Engineering. My Team and I were tasked to morph an existing software application into a functional desktop application, written in Java, to better suit our intended target issues and audiences.

PalPay is a financial tracking application activated through a Command-Line-Interface (CLI). Our intended target audience being computing students who lack a centralized platform for financial management and planning.

For the project, my main role was to develop the Transaction feature. This feature represents the fundamental user logging and tracking capabilities that other features of this application subsequently depends on.

Summary of contributions

  • Code contributed: RepoSense

  • Major enhancement: Implemented the Transactions tab and the features subsumed under it.

    • What it does: Allows users to input and log their expenditure and income statements. PalPay will also display an overall transaction balance to give users an overall sensing of their financial habits.

    • Justification: This feature fulfills the primary goal of the application which is to provide users a platform to store and log all their financial statements in a fast and intuitive manner.

    • Highlights: This feature requires constant integration with all existing major features of PalPay (i.e. out Transaction to affect budget if certain conditions are met). This requires constant cross-examination with other features and reimplementation of the codebase to ensure optimal functionality. This also requires a broad familiarity with the entire code base at all points during the development phase.

  • Minor enhancement:

    • Implemented and handled code base throughout for Update feature and UpdateTransactionDescriptor to function with all different major features.

    • Handled parser checks for the Amount variable for incorrect or potentially program-breaking cases. (i.e. Maximum parsed amount can only contain a value of 999,999)

  • Other contributions:

    • Project management:

    • Enhancements to existing features:

      • Comprehensive Unit and Integration Tests (Pull requests: #211, #99)

      • Refactored Name model object to Description model object (Pull requests: #111)

      • Implemented and integrated Update class (Pull requests: #211, #108, #101)

    • Documentation:

      • Reformatted the User Guide for a more sequential flow.

      • Wrote the details for the following commands in the User Guide.

        • In

        • Out

        • Update

        • Delete

      • Created UML diagrams to help in the explanation of in / out, update and delete commands in the Developer Guide.

      • Included Aspect cases under Design Considerations in the Developer Guide.

    • Community:

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are snippets of sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

Logging Expense : out

Have you recently made an expenditure that requires logging down? PalPay accepts all expenditure inputs through the out command. Inputting an out command will decrease the overall balance value. Your expenditure statements, just like the income statements, have the added option to be tagged under one or more categories. You can do so by including the [c/CATEGORY] parameter in your command line. All uncategorized incomes will be tagged under the GENERAL category.

Command Syntax


  • Users should not input negative values into AMOUNT (i.e. out $/-100 …​) as PalPay has already accounted for the difference between incomes and expenditures.

  • CATEGORY accepts the categories for this expenditure. An out Transaction can be created without any CATEGORY.

  • out updates the user’s overall balance with a net negative amount (e.g. out n/milk $/2 d/10102019 will decrease overall balance by $2)

Important Details

  • Note that out Transactions differ from in Transactions in the display amount. The in entries are characterized by the positive value within their display box whilst the out entries are characterized by the negative values in their display box. The difference can be observed in the example usage below.

  • An out command will affect the remaining amount of Budget entries with similar categories within the same time period (Refer to Example 3).

Example Usages

Example 3
out $/100 n/pants d/02012020 c/clothes
  1. Expenditure logging

    • Inputs an expenditure of "$100" with description set to "pants" and date set on "02/01/2020".

    • The income includes "clothes" under the CATEGORY field.

      out ug 5
      Figure 1. Expenditure Logging Example 3
  2. Budget with similar categories and time period.

    • Entry 3 of the Budget tab has clothes under its CATEGORY field.

    • Entry 3 of the Budget tab has a deadline set to "01/01/2021".

      out ug 6
      Figure 2. Budget with 'clothes' category
  3. Expenditure added

    • The expenditure is added to the bottom of the Transaction tab.

    • The added expenditure has a date set to 02/01/2020.

    • The added expenditure is tagged under the clothes category.

      out ug 7
      Figure 3. Sample Expenditure 3 Added
  4. Budget entry updated

    • The remaining amount of entry 3 of the Budget tab has decreased from "$1000" to "$900".

      out ug 8
      Figure 4. Budget entry updated
Example Commands:
  • out $/100 d/01012019 n/milk c/food c/drinks

  • out $/29 d/29022020 n/taxi c/transport

  • out $/12 d/31122019 n/burger

Updating Finance : update

Did you make a mistake in one of your entries? Perhaps you over counted that expenditure you made. PalPay provides you with an update feature which helps you change specific fields within your entries.

Command Syntax

The update feature has different implementations for different entry types. The conditions for the update feature is as follows.

Format (Transactions): update TYPE+INDEX [$/AMOUNT] [d/DATE] [n/ITEM] [c/CATEGORY]…​

Format (Budget): update TYPE+INDEX [$/AMOUNT] [d/DATE] [c/CATEGORY]…​

Format (Ledger): Cannot be updated

Format (Projections): Cannot be updated

  • At least one AMOUNT, DATE, ITEM or CATEGORY fields must be entered. You can input more than 1 of the mentioned fields (e.g. update t1 $/100 n/milk).

  • TYPE only accepts either t (Transaction) or b (Budget). (e.g. update t1 .. refers to updating a Transaction of index 1).

  • TYPE+INDEX requires the TYPE and INDEX to be placed in sequential order (e.g. update b 1 .. or update 1 .. or update 1b .. will not work).

  • Example: update t1 $/3000 d/10102019 will update the first transaction from the list of transactions by changing it’s AMOUNT to "$1000" and DATE to "10/10/2019".

Important Details

  • update requires at least one field to be updated. (e.g. update t1 $/20 d/10102019 n/milk and update t1 $/10 will both be accepted).

  • You can only update an existing transaction, budget or projection. Nothing will be updated if the entry of "index" INDEX does not exists.

  • Ledger and Projection do not have an update function. If you need to change specific fields within a ledger or projection entry, you should delete the target entry and recreate a new entry with your desired fields.

  • You cannot change an in Transaction to an out Transaction or vice versa.

  • Changing an expenditure’s (out Transaction) category field to that of a Budget’s entry will reflect changes on that particular Budget entry as well. (Further explained in Example 3 below).

Changing the categories of an out Transaction entry with similar categories to that of a Budget entry will reflect changes on the budget’s remaining amount in version 2.0.
Example Commands:
  • update t1 $/20 n/coke c/drinks d/12122019

  • update b2 $/300

  • update t4 $/30 d/12102019

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are snippets of sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

Transaction: in / out

The Transaction abstract class allows user to input income and expense statements. Both in and out transactions requires the mandatory Amount, Description and Date fields to be appended. There is an optional Category field which can accept one or more input depending on the user specifications. The in transactions will increase the BankAccount balance amount whilst the out transactions will reduce the BankAccount balance amount.

In Transactions represent the income statements inputted into Palpay.

Out Transactions represent the expenditure statements inputted into Palpay.

Current Implementation

The sequence diagram below illustrates how PalPay handles the command input in $/200 n/coke d/10102019. The arguments are parsed into the logic component where the subsequent model objects are created.

Figure 5. Sequence Diagram for Executing an InCommand

The in and out transaction follows the same logic flow after they are parsed.

The difference between in and out transactions is that the handleBalance() method called in the BankAccount results in an addAmount operation for the inTransaction and a subtractAmount operation for the OutTransaction class.


Given that the BankAccount balance initially starts with 0 dollars.

  • in Transaction of $1000 will increase the BankAccount balance from $0 to $1000.

  • out Transaction of $250 will subsequently decrease the BankAccount balance from $1000 to $250.

  • The Activity Diagram shown below will provide a visual representation of the two routes a Transaction object can take.

Figure 6. Activity Diagram for In and Out Transactions

Design Considerations

  • To prevent repetitive code implementation, the Transaction abstract class is used to facilitate income and expenditure logging. Transaction is an abstract class which contains the default constructor and commonly used variables. InTransaction and OutTransaction extends the Transaction class as they typically store an amount, date, description, and a set of categories. A code snippet of the Transaction abstract class is shown below.

public abstract class Transaction {

    protected Amount amount;
    protected Date date;
    protected Description description;
    protected final Set<Category> categories = new HashSet<>();

    public Transaction(Amount amount, Date date, Description description) {
        this.amount = amount; = date;
        this.description = description;
  • The balance in BankAccount and the balance in Ledger are considered two separate identities, both being encompassed under the UserState class. Therefore user operations that deal with BankAccount implements the BankAccountOperation interface, while operations that deal with Ledger implements the LedgerOperation interface.

    • This allows us to achieve polymorphism by overloading methods in Model to handle the different operations correctly.

    • This reduces code coupling as there are different models to handle different balance amounts.

  • A Transaction entry can affect a Budget which has similar categories and is within the same time period. The activity diagram bellow will further clarify this flow.

    • Only Out Transactions can affect Budget.

    • The activity diagram below shows how and when a Transaction object affects Budget.

Figure 7. Activity Diagram for Out Transaction Affecting Budget

Update Existing Entry Feature: update

This feature currently allows users to update Transaction or Budget entries. The user is unable to perform this feature on Ledger operations. The rationale for this will be further explained in Aspect 2: Update can not edit Ledger Operations. The user is currently unable to perform this feature on Projection operations as it will be further implemented in future updates.

Design Considerations

The update feature allows one or more fields of a Transaction or Budget to be updated. (e.g. update t1 $/2 and update t1 $/2 d/10102019 will both work as intended).

More often than not, users do not need to change an entire Transaction or Budget entry. This will minimize inputs from users if they do not require every single parameters of a Transaction or Budget to be changed.

Aspect 2: Update can not edit Ledger Operations
  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Update Command does not work with Ledger operations.

    • Pros: Intuitive implementation and execution for the user.

    • Cons: Requires excessive user operations.

      • The user has to first delete the Ledger operation that he/she wishes to change, followed by inputting the Ledger operation with the amended fields back into PalPay.

  • Alternative 2: Update Command to also work with Ledger operations.

    • Pros: Requires only one user command to append or change Ledger entries.

    • Cons: Results in convoluted implementation and user experience. This will also hinder future permeability of the Split feature.

      • Ledger operations such as split includes many repeated fields (i.e. multiple Persons and shares list).

      • Will require several conditional user inputs to differentiate between the various repeated entities that the user wishes to amend.

Future Enhancements

Update feature for Projections

Currently the update feature has not been implemented for Projection operations. In future iterations of PalPay, the update feature should work seamlessly with Projection operations, similar to that of Transaction and Budget operations

The activity diagram below will provide a visual representation of the possible user routes using the update command after this enhancement has been implemented.

Figure 8. Activity Diagram for Future update