By: AY1920S1-CS2103T-W12-3 Since: SEPT 2019 Licence: MIT

1. Introduction

PalPay is for those who prefer to use a desktop app for managing personal finances. More importantly, PalPay is optimized for those who prefer to work with a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, PalPay can get your finance management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.

dg gui example
Figure 1. PalPay’s Graphical User Interface

This User Guide is written for the users of PalPay as an introductory document of the application. You are strongly encouraged to read this document before using the application to enjoy the full functionality of the application. Ready to start your journey to financial freedom? Jump to Section 2, “Quick Start” to get started. Enjoy!

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest PalPay.jar here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your finance manager.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear within a few seconds.

  5. Type your command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    Example: Typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.

  6. Some example commands you can try:

    • view transaction : shows list of your transactions.

    • in $/100 n/allowance d/31102019 c/mother : adds an allowance from "mother" with value "$100" to PalPay.

    • out $/3 n/pie d/19112019 c/food : adds an expenditure to your personal finance of "3" dollars with the category "food" and the description "pie".

    • exit : exits the app

  7. Refer to Section 4, “Commands” for details of each command.

3. Features

3.1. Transaction

The Transaction feature represents the bread and butter logging of incomes and expenditures. PalPay will tabulate and display the overall balance to give users a better insight on their spending and saving habits.

Transactions consists of:

  1. in : logs an income statement

  2. out : logs an expenditure statement

3.2. Budgets

The Budget feature represent the budget to be set until a stipulated deadline for a certain category. As you make transactions of particular category, the budget with the same category will be adjusted accordingly.

Budget command consists of:

  1. set : creates a budget for a category

3.3. Ledger

The Ledger feature allows you to track outstanding balances when you split a bill with your friends and when they pay you back.

Ledger commands consist of:

  1. split : splits a bill between friends

  2. receive : logs a single payment from a friend

3.4. Projection

By using the Projection feature, you can project your: The Projection feature allows you to project your:

  1. Account Balance

  2. Budget Deficits / Surpluses

Projection commands consist of:

  1. project: casts and stores a projection of your future balance and budget states

  2. display: renders a graphical depiction of a specified projection

These projections are cast upon a specified DATE, and optionally, a specified CATEGORY. Upon casting a projection, it is automatically stored and thereafter accessible through the Projection tab via the view command (see View).

4. Commands

Command Format :

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    Example: For in $/AMOUNT n/ITEM d/DATE, AMOUNT, ITEM and DATE are parameters which can be used as in $/300 n/concert d/19112019.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    Example: n/ITEM [c/CATEGORY] can be used as n/coke c/drinks or as n/coke.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times.
    Example: [n/NAME]…​ can be used as   (i.e. 0 times), n/Amy, n/Amy n/Betty etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    Example: If the command specifies $/AMOUNT n/ITEM, n/ITEM $/AMOUNT is also acceptable.

  • Parameters that need to be concatenated together are represented as PARAM+PARAM.
    Example: TYPE+INDEX refers to joining TYPE and INDEX together without a space, such as t1.

  • Parameter Constraints :

    Parameter Prefix Constraints



    - a valid amount between 0 and 1000000 dollars exclusive
    - a valid amount up to 2 decimal places



    - a valid date with the format DDMMYY in the Gregorian calendar



    - a valid description with alphanumeric chacracters



    - a valid category with alphanumeric characters without space



    - a valid positive integer


    - a valid type containing one character
    t : Transaction
    b : Budget
    l : Ledger
    p : Projection


    - a valid entry number in the list

4.1. Logging Income : in

Have an income that you need to log down? PalPay accepts all income inputs through the in command. Inputting an in command will increase the overall balance value. Your income statements have the added option to be tagged under one or more categories. You can do so by including the [c/CATEGORY] parameter in your command line. All uncategorized incomes will be tagged under the GENERAL category.

4.1.1. Command Syntax


  • CATEGORY accepts the categories for this income. An in Transaction can be created without CATEGORY inputs.

  • in updates the user’s overall balance with a net positive amount (e.g. in n/work $/1000 d/10102019 will increase overall balance by $1000).

4.1.2. Example Usage

Example 1
in $/120 d/31122019 n/work
  1. Logging income

    • Inputs an income of "$120" with description set to "work" and date set on "31/12/2019".

    • Initial balance (red box in Figure 1) has a value of "$0".

      in ug 1
      Figure 2. Income Logging Example 1
  2. Income added

    • The income is added to the Transaction tab.

    • The added income is given a GENERAL category.

    • Balance has increased from "$0" to "$120" (red box in Figure 2).

      in ug 2
      Figure 3. Sample Income 1 Added
Example 2
in $/500.50 n/allowance d/01012020 c/parents
  1. Logging income

    • Inputs an income of "$500.50" with description set to "allowance" and date set on "01/01/2020".

    • The income includes "parents" under the CATEGORY field.

    • Initial balance (red box in Figure 3) has a value of "$120".

      in ug 3
      Figure 4. Income Logging Example 2
  2. Income added

    • The income is added to the bottom of the Transaction tab.

    • The added income is tagged under parents category.

    • Balance has increased from "$120" to "$620.50" (red box in Figure 4).

      in ug 4
      Figure 5. Sample Income 2 Added
Example Commands:
  • in $/100 d/01012019 n/errand c/work c/company

  • in $/250.50 d/29022020 n/mom c/family

  • in $/120 d/31122019 n/helping friend

4.2. Logging Expense : out

Have you recently made an expenditure that requires logging down? PalPay accepts all expenditure inputs through the out command. Inputting an out command will decrease the overall balance value. Your expenditure statements, just like the income statements, have the added option to be tagged under one or more categories. You can do so by including the [c/CATEGORY] parameter in your command line. All uncategorized incomes will be tagged under the GENERAL category.

4.2.1. Command Syntax


  • Users should not input negative values into AMOUNT (i.e. out $/-100 …​) as PalPay has already accounted for the difference between incomes and expenditures.

  • CATEGORY accepts the categories for this expenditure. An out Transaction can be created without any CATEGORY.

  • out updates the user’s overall balance with a net negative amount (e.g. out n/milk $/2 d/10102019 will decrease overall balance by $2)

4.2.2. Important Details

  • Note that out Transactions differ from in Transactions in the display amount. The in entries are characterized by the positive value within their display box whilst the out entries are characterized by the negative values in their display box. The difference can be observed in the example usage below.

  • An out command will affect the remaining amount of Budget entries with similar categories within the same time period (Refer to Section, “Example 3”).

4.2.3. Example Usages

Example 1
out $/5 d/01012020 n/burger
  1. Expenditure logging

    • Inputs an expenditure of "$5" with description set to "burger" and date set on "01/01/2020".

    • Initial balance (red box in Figure 5) has a value of "$620.50".

      out ug 1
      Figure 6. Expenditure Logging Example 1
  2. Expenditure added

    • The expenditure is added to the bottom of the Transaction tab.

    • The amount value of the expenditure box should display a negative value (see Figure 6 entry 3).

    • The added expenditure is given a "GENERAL" category.

    • Balance has decreased from "$620.50" to "$615.50" (red box in Figure 6).

      out ug 2
      Figure 7. Sample Expenditure 1 Added
Example 2
out $/1000 n/maintenance d/02012020 c/car c/transport
  1. Expenditure logging

    • Inputs an expenditure of "$1000" with description set to 'maintenance' and date set on 02/01/2020.

    • The income includes "car" and "transport" under the CATEGORY field.

    • Initial balance (red box in Figure 7) has a value of "$615.50".

      out ug 3
      Figure 8. Expenditure Logging Example 2
  2. Expenditure added

    • The expenditure is added to the bottom of the Transaction tab.

    • The added expenditure is tagged under car and transport category.

    • Balance has decreased from "$615.50" to "-$384.50" (red box in Figure 8).

    • The negative value of the balance indicates that the total spending amount outweighs the total savings amount.

      out ug 4
      Figure 9. Sample Expenditure 2 Added
Example 3
out $/100 n/pants d/02012020 c/clothes
  1. Expenditure logging

    • Inputs an expenditure of "$100" with description set to "pants" and date set on "02/01/2020".

    • The income includes "clothes" under the CATEGORY field.

      out ug 5
      Figure 10. Expenditure Logging Example 3
  2. Budget with similar categories and time period.

    • Entry 3 of the Budget tab has clothes under its CATEGORY field.

    • Entry 3 of the Budget tab has a deadline set to "01/01/2021".

      out ug 6
      Figure 11. Budget with 'clothes' category
  3. Expenditure added

    • The expenditure is added to the bottom of the Transaction tab.

    • The added expenditure has a date set to 02/01/2020.

    • The added expenditure is tagged under the clothes category.

      out ug 7
      Figure 12. Sample Expenditure 3 Added
  4. Budget entry updated

    • The remaining amount of entry 3 of the Budget tab has decreased from "$1000" to "$900".

      out ug 8
      Figure 13. Budget entry updated
Example Commands:
  • out $/100 d/01012019 n/milk c/food c/drinks

  • out $/29 d/29022020 n/taxi c/transport

  • out $/12 d/31122019 n/burger

4.3. Setting a Budget : set

You can set a budget for a particular category until a certain date, given it is not already present in the budget list. A duplicate budget is a budget with the same AMOUNT and DATE and CATEGORY.
If you attempt to do so, you will receive an error message: This budget already exists.

4.3.1. Command Syntax

Format: set $/AMOUNT d/DATE [c/CATEGORY]…​

Parameters follow the same restrictions as highlighted in parameter constraints.

  • AMOUNT input accepts the budget amount to be set.

  • DATE input accepts the deadline to be set. It cannot be a date in the past.

  • CATEGORY accepts the CATEGORY for the budget. A budget can be created without CATEGORY inputs in which case, the budget will automatically be assigned `GENERAL' category.

4.3.2. Important Details

Let’s say you want to restrict your spending for a certain category until a certain deadline. PalPay allows you to set a budget and serve as a reminder to show how much of the budget set you have left until the deadline (inclusive). You will be more self-conscious of your spending and minimise your spending by setting a budget.

To set a new budget:
1. Type set and enter the relevant details (amount, deadline, category) in the format given above.
2. The result box will display the message New budget successfully set.
3. If the budget already exists in the budget list, the result box will display the message This budget already exists.
4. Now you can see the newly set budget in the budget list.

As you log an expenditure of a particular CATEGORY, your budgets with the same CATEGORY will be adjusted to display the remaining amount of budget. Other budgets in the list belonging to different CATEGORY will not be adjusted.

For example, you went out with your friends and bought a cup of Gong Cha. Before you log your spending, your budget list looks like this:

Figure 14. Budget List before Executing OutTransaction

You then type in the command out $/5 c/BBT c/friends n/gong cha d/11112019.

Figure 15. New OutTransaction Command

Your budget list now shows the updated budgets. Observe how Budget 3 is not affected because it does not belong to the relevant category.

Figure 16. Updated Budget List

Budget will not take into consideration past OutTransaction when calculating the remaining budget. Remember, you are setting a budget from TODAY till the stated DATE (inclusive)!

If you overspend beyond a set budget, the overspent budget will be displayed in red. Shown below as budget index 3 is an example of an overspent budget:

Figure 17. Overspent Budget

As the day you have set for the budget approaches, the countdown placeholder as well as the percentage remaining placeholder will turn to red when the number of remaining days reaches 3 and below. Shown below as budget index 4 is an example of a budget approaching its deadline:

Figure 18. Budget approaching deadline


  • set $/100 d/010120120 c/BBT

  • set $/300 d/29022020 c/shopping

4.4. Splitting a Bill with Friends : split

Split a bill with your friends
Format: split $/AMOUNT n/NAME1 a/DESCRIPTION [d/DATE] [n/NAME2]…​ [s/SHARE]…​

  • DESCRIPTION is prefixed with a/, unlike for other commands

  • [SHARE] defines portion of bill to be paid by each person

    • if no shares are given, AMOUNT will be split evenly across all people, including user

    • you are included in the bill if number of shares is 1 more than number of people

      • your share of the bill will be the first listed share

    • each person’s share is assigned in order

      • i.e. last person’s share is the last share listed

Shares can be 0 but result is not guaranteed to be meaningful
Ledger GUI
Figure 19. Sample Ledger Graphical User Interface

This is how the Ledger looks when you switch to the splits tab.
The left shows the people who has unresolved balances with you, while the right lists all transactions that have to do with the Ledger.
Ledger's balance is separate from PalPay’s balance. It is displayed in the same position, at the bottom right corner.

split does not include how much you spent into the Ledger balance.

4.4.2. Example Usage

  • split $/1000 n/Amy n/Betty n/Catherine n/Dan a/haidilao

    $1000 is split equally between Amy, Betty, Catherine, Dan and the user.
    1. Enter appropriate command into the command line.

      Figure 20. Input for Splitting Evenly
    2. Result is displayed accordingly

      Figure 21. Amy, Betty, Catherine and Dan owes $200 each

      For an even split of $1000, each person pays $200. Therefore Ledger shows $200 on the tab of each person. Ledger balance does not include how much you spend. In this bill, one is owed $800 in total from the rest of his friends. Therefore Ledger balance is -$800, as shown in the bottom right.

  • split $/100 n/Albert n/Bernard n/Clement s/2 s/1 s/7 a/kbbq dinner

    $100 is split with Albert owing $20, Bernard owing $10 and Clement owing $70.
    1. Enter appropriate command into the command line.

      Figure 22. Input for Splitting Unevenly
    2. Result is displayed accordingly

      Figure 23. Display of Correctly Assigned Amounts

      Since the number of shares is equal to the number of people listed, you are not included in the splitting of the bill.

4.5. Receiving Money from a Friend : receive

Receives money from a friend
Format: receive $/AMOUNT n/NAME1 [d/DATE] [a/DESCRIPTION]

4.5.1. Example Usage

  • receive $/20 n/Albert

    Transfers $20 from Albert to user. If Albert is no longer owe or is owed money, he will be removed from the Ledger.
    1. Enter appropriate command into the command line.

      Figure 24. Input for Receiving $20 from Albert
    2. Result is displayed accordingly.

      Figure 25. Result of Payment from Albert

      Albert is removed from the Ledger since he no longer owes any money. Ledger balance is also updated accordingly.

4.6. Projecting Future Balance and Budgets : project

Cast a projection on your future balance amount and budget statuses based on your transaction history.

Format: project d/DATE [c/CATEGORY]

If a CATEGORY is not specified, it will be set as GENERAL by default. GENERAL projections project upon ALL transactions, regardless of their categories.

4.6.1. Example Usage

  1. project d/22072020

    Projected balance: $955.80
  2. project d/01012020 c/Food

    Projected balance: $188.04
    You are on track to meeting your budget of $600 by 08122019, with a surplus of $484.32!

4.6.2. Usage Constraints

Command Format
  • CATEGORY must be preceded by its tag c/. A violation of any of the above will produce the following error message:

Invalid command format!
project: Project future balance based on past income/outflow.
Parameters: d/DATE [c/CATEGORY]
Example: project d/12122103 c/Food

Date Values
  • DATE input must be set in the future. A violation of this constraint will produce the following error message:

Invalid command usage!
Date must be set in the future.

  • DATE cannot be more than 720 days from the day of projection.
    A violation of this constraint will produce the following error message:

Projections should be a maximum of 2 years (730 days) from now.

Minimum Number of Transactions
  • There must be a minimum of 5 transactions in total, or in the specified CATEGORY for a projection to be successfully cast. Should the requirement above be unmet, the following error message will be produced:

There are no transactions in [CATEGORY]. It is impossible to cast a projection.

[GENERAL] will be displayed in place of [CATEGORY] if a CATEGORY is not specified. This is due to the auto-casting of uncategorised projections to the GENERAL category as explained here.
  • Should the number of transactions in a projection fall below 5, it will be automatically deleted, as shown below:

    1. Suppose there are 5 transactions, and a GENERAL projection, which projects upon them.

      Figure 26. Five transactions under the projection tab
      Figure 27. A projection which is cast based on the 5 transactions above
    2. If a transaction being deleted causes the number of transactions being projected upon to fall below 5, the corresponding projection will automatically be deleted.

      Figure 28. The fifth transaction has been deleted.
      Figure 29. The project earlier seen in Figure 19 has been automatically deleted.
Valid Budget Start Dates and Deadlines

A projection will only project upon budgets with deadlines set before or equal to the projection DATE. An example is depicted below:

  1. Suppose there is currently a general Budget with a deadline set for 28th November 2019

    Figure 30. Two Budgets with dates 20112019 and 28112019 in the "GENERAL" category
  2. If a general Projection is cast to 20th November 2019, it will contain the Budget with deadline 20112019 but not 28112019, since the projection’s DATE is earlier than 28112019.

    Figure 31. The Projection only contains the Budget with deadline 20112019
Backward Projections

While it is possible in PalPay, projecting your balance amount backwards in time is not guaranteed to produce sensible results. It is generally not advisable to do so.

4.7. Display a Projection Graph: display

Display a graphical representation of a Projection in a new window.

Format: display PROJECTION_ID

4.7.1. Example Usage

  1. Type display PROJECTION_ID into the command box and press Enter. For instance:

    display p1

  2. A new window containing a graphical representation of the specified projection will pop up.


    If there are any budgets associated with the projection, a corresponding graphical representation of the budget will be additionally displayed.


4.7.2. Interpreting the Projection graph

Here is a typical projection graph.

Figure 32. A typical projection graph
  • The X-Axis
    The X-Axis denotes your balance in dollars ($).

  • The Y-Axis
    The Y-Axis denotes the number of days from now, with today being Y = 0.

  • Red Points
    The red points on the graph each represent your account balance (denoted by the X-value) at a particular point of time (denoted by the Y-value).

  • Blue Line Graph
    The blue line graph represents the projection line, with each point along it representing a prediction of your account balance (denoted by the X-value) at a certain point of time (denoted by the Y-value).

  • All Other Coloured Line Graphs
    All other coloured line graphs represent various budgets which fall within the CATEGORY and DATE range of the PROJECTION. Each of these line graphs have three parts:

Figure 33. A budget line graph with its parts labelled by a green, blue and yellow box each
  1. The line in the green box denotes the budget amount in dollars ($).

  2. The line in the blue box denotes the budget’s duration lifetime in days.

  3. The line in the yellow box denotes the budget’s projected deficit or surplus.

4.7.3. Usage Constraints

Valid Projection Index
  • A Projection with PROJECTION_ID must exist. Attempting to display a non-existent PROJECTION will result in the following error message:

The projection index provided is invalid.

Static Graph Rendering
  • Projection graphs do not update automatically when a new Transaction or Budget is added or removed. Instead, they are statically rendered upon the display command.

    Due to the static nature of projection graphs, commands should NOT be executed while a projection graph is open, lest the behaviour of PalPay become unpredictable.
    Consequently, a display command should ALWAYS be followed by closing the projection graph window, before any other actions are performed within PalPay.

4.8. Switching Tabs : view

Want to switch tabs without using your mouse? You can switch to another tab with the view command.

4.8.1. Command Syntax

Format: view TAB

  • TAB input only accepts transaction, budget, ledger and projection in v1.4. It is case-insensitive.

4.8.2. Example Usage

You do not have to use your mouse in PalPay to switch tabs anymore.

  1. By default, you are in the transaction tab.

    Figure 34. Transaction Tab
  2. Simply type view budget in the command box and press Enter.

    Figure 35. User Input
  3. You can now view your budgets. Easy!

    Figure 36. Budget Tab

4.9. Deleting Finance : delete

Deletes the specified Transaction, Budget, Ledger or Projection from PalPay.

4.9.1. Command Syntax

Format: delete TYPE+INDEX

  • TYPE accepts either t (Transaction), b (Budget), l (Ledger) or p (Projection). (e.g. delete b1 refers to deleting a Budget of index 1).

  • TYPE+INDEX requires the TYPE and INDEX to be placed in sequential order (e.g. delete b 1 or delete 1 or delete 1b will not work).

  • Example: delete t1 will delete the first transaction from the list of transactions.

4.9.2. Important Details

  • PalPay deletes an item based on the entry index of the target item. You can delete a maximum of 1 entry per command. (i.e. delete t1 t2 b1 or delete t1 t2 will not work)

  • You can only delete an existing Transaction or Budget. Nothing will be deleted if the Transaction or Budget index does not exists.

4.9.3. Example Usage

Deleting the 5th entry of the transactions list
  1. Note the index of the entry you want to delete. In this example, entry 5 is the field we will be deleting.

    delete ug 1
    Figure 37. Delete Transaction Command
  2. Since we are deleting a Transaction entry of index 5, we will input "t" into our TYPE field and "5" into our INDEX field.

    delete ug 2
    Figure 38. Delete Transaction Input
  3. Success message will be displayed upon successful deletion.

    delete ug 3
    Figure 39. Delete Transaction Successful
Example Commands:
  • delete t1

  • delete b3

  • delete l2

  • delete p4

4.10. Updating Finance : update

Did you make a mistake in one of your entries? Perhaps you over counted that expenditure you made. PalPay provides you with an update feature which helps you change specific fields within your entries.

4.10.1. Command Syntax

The update feature has different implementations for different entry types. The conditions for the update feature is as follows.

Format (Transactions): update TYPE+INDEX [$/AMOUNT] [d/DATE] [n/ITEM] [c/CATEGORY]…​

Format (Budget): update TYPE+INDEX [$/AMOUNT] [d/DATE] [c/CATEGORY]…​

Format (Ledger): Cannot be updated

Format (Projections): Cannot be updated

  • At least one AMOUNT, DATE, ITEM or CATEGORY fields must be entered. You can input more than 1 of the mentioned fields (e.g. update t1 $/100 n/milk).

  • TYPE only accepts either t (Transaction) or b (Budget). (e.g. update t1 .. refers to updating a Transaction of index 1).

  • TYPE+INDEX requires the TYPE and INDEX to be placed in sequential order (e.g. update b 1 .. or update 1 .. or update 1b .. will not work).

  • Example: update t1 $/3000 d/10102019 will update the first transaction from the list of transactions by changing it’s AMOUNT to "$1000" and DATE to "10/10/2019".

4.10.2. Important Details

  • update requires at least one field to be updated. (e.g. update t1 $/20 d/10102019 n/milk and update t1 $/10 will both be accepted).

  • You can only update an existing transaction, budget or projection. Nothing will be updated if the entry of "index" INDEX does not exists.

  • Ledger and Projection do not have an update function. If you need to change specific fields within a ledger or projection entry, you should delete the target entry and recreate a new entry with your desired fields.

  • You cannot change an in Transaction to an out Transaction or vice versa.

  • Changing an expenditure’s (out Transaction) category field to that of a Budget’s entry will reflect changes on that particular Budget entry as well. (Further explained in Example 3 below).

Changing the categories of an out Transaction entry with similar categories to that of a Budget entry will reflect changes on the budget’s remaining amount in version 2.0.
Changing an expenditure’s (out Transaction) date field to a date within the date period of a Budget entry will reflect changes on the budget’s remaining amount in version 2.0.

4.10.3. Example Usage

Example 1:

Updating a Transaction entry.

  1. Identify the index number of the entry you want to edit. In this case, we will be using entry 3.

    update ug 1
    Figure 40. Transaction List Containing Entry 3
  2. Put "t" as your TYPE input and key in the fields you want to change. In this case, we will only be changing the AMOUNT of the transaction.

    update ug 2
    Figure 41. User Input for the Update Example 1
  3. Success message will be displayed upon successful update. Fields will now be updated accordingly.

    update ug 3
    Figure 42. Success Message for the Update Example 1
Example 2:

Updating a Budget entry.

  1. Identify the index number of the entry you want to edit

    update ug 4
    Figure 43. Budget Tab Containing Entry 1
  2. Put "b" as your TYPE input and key in the fields you want to change. In this case, we will be changing both the DATE and AMOUNT of this Budget. When you update the amount of a budget, the budget will be re-initialised.

    update ug 5
    Figure 44. User Input for the Update Example 2
  3. Success message will be displayed upon successful update. Fields will now be updated accordingly.

    update ug 6
    Figure 45. Success Message for the Update Example 2
Example 3:

Updating a Transaction entry which has the same category field as a Budget entry.

  1. Identify the index number of the Transaction entry you want to edit.

    update ug 7
    Figure 46. Transaction Sharing a Category with a Budget
  2. Notice that a Budget entry has the same CATEGORY field as the Transaction entry mentioned above. (Budget entry 2).

    update ug 8
    Figure 47. Budget Sharing a Category with the Target Transaction
  3. Put "t" as your TYPE input and key in the fields you want to change. In this case, we will be changing only the AMOUNT of this Transaction.

    update ug 9
    Figure 48. User Input for the Update Example 3
  4. Success message will be displayed upon successful update. Fields of the Transaction entry will now be updated accordingly.

    update ug 10
    Figure 49. Success Message for the Update Example 3
  5. Remaining amount of the Budget entry will also be updated accordingly.

    update ug 11
    Figure 50. Automatic Update of Relevant Budget
Example Commands:
  • update t1 $/20 n/coke c/drinks d/12122019

  • update b2 $/300

  • update t4 $/30 d/12102019

4.11. Sorting Transactions : sort

Have you ever wonder which is the most expensive transaction you ever made? Or which is the latest transaction you made? Fret not! You can now sort your transactions according to date or amount.

4.11.1. Command Syntax


  • PREDICATE accepts only date or amount. It is case-insensitive.

  • ORDER accepts only a or d which represents ascending and descending, respectively.

4.11.2. Example Usage

Do you want to know what is the latest transaction you made? No need to scroll all the way down anymore. PalPay has made it simple for you.

  1. By default, your transactions are sorted from the earliest transaction you entered to the latest transaction you entered.

    Figure 51. Unsorted Transaction List
  2. Simply type sort date/d in the command box and press Enter.

    Figure 52. User Input for Sort Command
  3. Great! You can now see the latest transactions you made.

    Figure 53. Sorted Transaction List

4.12. Filtering Transactions : filter

Here at PalPay, you do not need to scroll through your history of transactions to find out what you spend two months ago. PalPay gives you the power to filter your transactions to solve that problem.

4.12.1. Command Syntax

Format: filter [n/DESCRIPTION] [y/YEAR] [m/MONTH] [c/CATEGORY]…​

  • YEAR accepts only integers from 1900 to 9999.

  • MONTH accepts only integers from 1 to 12.

  • All transactions with at least one CATEGORY in the [c/CATEGORY]…​ input will be displayed.

  • Example: filter c/transport c/allowance y/2019 will display transactions with transport, allowance, or transport and allowance that occurred in 2019.

4.12.2. Example Usage

Imagine that you wanted to find out what you spent on shopping in October 2019.

  1. By default, PalPay shows your all your transactions you have made.

    Figure 54. Unfiltered Transaction List
  2. Simply type filter c/Shopping m/10 y/2019 in the command box and press Enter.

    Figure 55. User Input for Filter Command
  3. You will now see the list of transactions you have made while shopping in October 2019. Hurray!

    Figure 56. Filtered Transaction List

4.13. Undoing the Last Command : undo

Did you accidentally delete a transaction? Do not panic! PalPay lets you undo your previous commands with just one word, undo.

4.13.1. Command Syntax

Format: undo

  • Once you exit PalPay, you cannot undo the previous commands.

  • Below are the commands that are undoable:

    • in / out / set / split / receive / project / sort / filter / update / delete / clear / list

4.13.2. Example Usage

Suppose you want to update your allowance you received in October 2019 to $800 but you accidentally update the GrabTaxi ride instead. Without going through the trouble of updating the same transaction again, you can simply perform the undo command. Just follow these three simple steps.

  1. Here, you can see the wrong update you just made.

    Figure 57. Transaction List Containing Erroneous Transaction
  2. Simply type undo in the command box and press Enter.

    Figure 58. User Input for Undo Command
  3. As you wish, your command has been undone.

    Figure 59. Erroneous Transaction Has Been Undone

4.14. Redoing the Last Command : redo

Made an extra undo by mistake? Do not worry! PalPay lets you redo your previous undo(s) with just one word, redo.

4.14.1. Command Syntax

Format: redo

  • You can only redo undo commands.

  • Once you exit PalPay, you cannot redo the previous undo(s).

4.14.2. Example Usage

Suppose you want to undo your last update but you accidentally undo twice instead. You can simply perform the redo command to revert the changes. Just follow these three simple steps.

  1. Here, you can see the extra undo you just made and the GrabTaxi ride is back at $800.

    Figure 60. Transaction List Containing Erroneous Transaction
  2. Simply type redo in the command box and press Enter.

    Figure 61. User Input for Redo Command
  3. Great! Your transaction is back to normal.

    Figure 62. Success Message for Redo Command

4.15. Clearing All Entries : clear

Do you want to start PalPay from a clean slate again? The clear command lets you do that!

4.15.1. Command Syntax

Format: clear

4.16. Listing All Entries : list

After filtering your transactions, you can use the list command to see all of your transactions in PalPay again.

4.16.1. Command Syntax

Format: list

4.17. Viewing Help : help

Did you forget how to use the in command? Fret not! You can easily find the link to this User Guide with the help command. Simply copy and paste the URL into your browser to access our User Guide.

4.17.1. Command Syntax

Format: help


4.18. Exiting the Application : exit

Finishing using PalPay for the day? You can use the exit command to close PalPay.

4.18.1. Command Syntax

Format: exit

4.19. Saving the Data

PalPay data is saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data.
There is no need to save manually.

5. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous Bank Account folder.

6. Command Summary

  • In : in $/AMOUNT n/ITEM d/DATE [c/CATEGORY]
    Example: in $/100 n/allowance d/11112019 c/income

  • Out : out $/AMOUNT n/ITEM d/DATE [c/CATEGORY]
    Example: out $/20 n/coke d/19112019 c/drink c/lunch

  • Set : set $/AMOUNT d/DATE [c/CATEGORY]…​
    Example: set $/100 d/10102019 c/food

  • Split : split $/AMOUNT n/NAME1 a/DESCRIPTION [d/DATE] [n/NAME2]…​ [s/SHARE]…​
    Example: split $/1000 n/Amy n/Betty n/Catherine n/Dan a/HaiDiLao

  • Receive : receive $/AMOUNT n/NAME
    Example: receive $/20 n/Albert

  • Project : project DATE CATEGORY
    Example: project d/22072020 c/Food

  • Display : display PROJECTION_ID
    Example: project p1

  • View : view TAB
    Example: view transaction

  • Delete : delete TYPE+INDEX
    Example: delete t1

  • Update : update TYPE+INDEX [$/AMOUNT] [d/date] [n/ITEM] [c/CATEGORY]
    Example: update b1 $/100 c/transport

  • Sort : sort PREDICATE
    Example: sort amount

  • Filter : filter [n/DESCRIPTION] [y/YEAR] [m/MONTH] [c/CATEGORY]…​
    Example: filter c/transport c/allowance y/2019

  • Undo : undo

  • Redo : redo

  • Clear : clear

  • List : list

  • Help : help

  • Exit : exit